Quick Guides:
The site is integrated with help system containing articles and training videos. Simply click on
icon to view the help.
To upload a claim file:
After login, first click on "Claim" button and then click on "Batch/Upload Files" tab.
To view batch file claims:
From "Batch/Upload Files" tab, click on the "BatchID button in the grid.
To view batch confirmation report:
"Batch/Upload Files" tab, click on the
icon under report column inside the grid.
To add a new claim manually:
From "Claims Management" tab, click on the "Add New Claim" button.
To search for claims:
From "Claims Management" tab, click on predefined view buttons or click on "Advanced Search" pannel for more search options.
To view the reports:
"Reports" tab, simply click on the report inside the grid. You may also download the report in PDF format by clicking on
To search for a specific report:
From "Reports" tab, click on predefined view buttons or use free form text search under "Quick Search" or click on "Advanced Search" pannel for more search options.
If you need further help, please do not hasitate to contact us.
Phone: 281-325-0208
Support: support@anvicare.com
Best regards,
Anvicare Team